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How You Can Really Save on Your Health Insurance

Writer's picture: amyk73amyk73

There are times we need healthcare facilities, like hospitals. They have a role and purpose. Many of us rely on healthcare and are thankful for the advances they have made to save the life of a loved one. There is good with healthcare and many a good intended heart works in this space.

However, they also have a great deal of shortcomings that hinder rather than promote health and well-being. It is with these in mind I find myself compelled to speak as I think it is preventing many of us from realizing how much of our health we are putting into the hands of others unnecessarily.

Healthcare is the one of the largest industry businesses in our country, followed by pharmaceutical of course. It is not that we do not need these businesses or their profits are evil, but rather what we think we need them for and how they have come to dominate our health that there is a cause for concern. I believe the reason healthcare costs so much and has barriers for some accessing care is because we have afforded them that right by giving them our health. They can choose who receives care, what types of care and what it costs. We have given them our power in food, medicine and health – the very essence of vitality in life.

When we get sick, most of us turn to a doctor’s advice and prescription pad to find relief quickly. We do not have time to be sick and it is not a comfortable situation even though most common illnesses are mere inconveniences. We are a people who dislike inconveniences and anything that is not instantaneous. The truth is though a lot of factors led to that event of being ill in the first place long before we started sniffling. Our lifestyle, diet, stress level, sleep patterns and care for ourselves indicate more than any other factor our state of health and where it is headed. Simply look at what you drink in a given day as a simple example. Most Americans start their day with a coffee, sweetened or not, and then switch to a soda or tea for the rest of the day. They finish their day with a glass of wine or two to wind down. Little to no water is actually consumed. Air and water are the basis of life every day. Yet we tell ourselves we need to boost to get through the day with caffeine and the alcohol in the evening to relax.

On top of not taking care of ourselves there is another lie that impacts our health. Namely that getting healthy is expensive and is time consuming. Inflation certainly has driven up costs of food, services and goods and many families are struggling. Adding in extra food to accommodate a special diet or eating plan just does not fit into the budget it seems. Gym memberships, trainers, equipment, clothing also add to already stretched dollars. Here’s the truth though, eating real food, simple fruits, vegetables, proteins and cutting out the processed foods saves significantly. It saves on the grocery bill and it definitely saves on health care costs. Kicking sugary drinks and diet drinks, to drinking water saves hundreds of dollars a year!

The truth here is most families struggle with letting go of convenience foods and drinks. It is a great time saver, the kids will eat it and we don’t have to think about it, just grab and go. Yet those types of foods are not only filled with ingredients that don’t fuel our bodies but they lead to physical and mental health problems, including ADD/ADHD, diabetes, obesity and more. Yes, it takes more time to cook a meal, prepare foods and have things ready but the savings and health influences far outweigh a little time spent in the kitchen.

When food prices started to rise, our family stopped eating out. It was not something we did all the time before, but it was a treat about once a week for us. I started making freezer meals that could be cooked in the crockpot or Instapot. We planted some veggies in the backyard and made a competition of who could drink the most water each day. Not only did our nutrition improve but we saved a great deal in our grocery budget. Or rather we were not seeing our grocery budget expand significantly in response to the inflated prices and shortages on the shelves. It not only made a difference in our budget but in our health.

The other change we made was we stopped buying a lot of packaged snacks, quick fix foods and sodas. If there is one place in your grocery list to save money it is these right here. Now, some will say but we have kids and they like these things or its convenient. I agree they are very handy but they are also filled with ingredients that are not healthy. Making a lot of these at home not only saves money but allows you to put in healthy ingredients. Seriously, making fruit snacks is one of the easiest and cheapest snacks ever! Our family loves snacks and we still have them but they look different. It’s non-microwave popcorn, homemade baked goods and even fruit like grapes and strawberries.

When we find there are foods and drinks, we cannot live without, it is a craving. Cravings are emotional in nature. When we crave something like chocolate or a specific snack, it is an emotional response most of the time. Our body craves what we regularly feed it so if you feed it fruit and popcorn, it’s going to crave those things more than the chocolate bars and ice cream. This also points out the necessity of us to own our emotional health and understand it is part of our overall health state. Where doctors and the healthcare systems have failed us is in compartmentalizing our health and not treating us as whole beings of mind-body-spirit.

We have fell for this lie that if we are not living a stressed out busy life we are not succeeding in life. If we are not in debt over our eyeballs then we are not doing things right. Whew those are big heavy things that not only make us unhappy but they impact our health. Stress is real and the impact to our mental and physical health are also real. Adrenal fatigue is real. Financial and lifestyle stress are some of the biggest causes of illness and disease. We can control all of it too and reverse the impacts.

It is not some hippy bullshit to own your own health. I do believe living, eating and using nature as much as possible is vital but I also appreciate the modern conveniences and technologies that make that easier. There’s a balance but the non-negotiable is eliminating the toxic foods, stress and dependence we have placed on healthcare systems to know what is best for us. The more we own our own health upfront the less reliant we are on pharmacy prescriptions that cost hundreds of dollars a month to manage the impacts of stress and diet in our life. Walking the dog is free.

Drinking water is pennies. Feeling happy and being healthy is priceless and affordable.

If the last couple years has shown us anything it is just how much we need to reclaim our own lives. It is not just in the way we work by demanding more flexibility in location and work-life balance but in all of it. From the very foods we eat every day to how we spend our time and with who.

Reclaiming our health means looking at things differently so we can live in a way that feeds our health. Most of the time, people are going to find that means returning to nature, the very air and water we need every day to thrive.

The basic foundations of health are breathing clean air, removing toxins from our lifestyle and diet, eating real foods, moving our body, resting, and connecting our souls to others and nature. It is a very basic formula that still works, is uncomplicated and when practiced well gives us the best chance at the happy healthy life we are all seeking from prescriptions, vitamins and 30 minute workouts. Recognizing the signs in our life that are signaling where there are health risks is the best place to start making the changes that lead to better health and reduced dependency on the healthcare systems.

Shifting our money to support and build health rather than continue to band-aid it is where we start to see transformations in what it means to live well too. It makes using the healthcare systems a matter of emergency rather than routine.

If you are ready to live more naturally, let’s talk. I offer a variety of services to help you define a path of natural health for you and your family. Visit to schedule a consultation.


Joyce, Ashley. KFF. (2019 February 19) The Real Cost of Health Care. Retrieved, February 22, 2022 from:

Bloom, Ester. CNBC. (2017 June 23). Here’s How Much the Average American Spends on Health Care. Retrieved, February 22, 2022 from:


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