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In Times of Great & Interesting Week Days

Writer's picture: amyk73amyk73

Why doesn’t every day feel like a Friday? Instead of wishing all those days away getting to Friday why can’t they all feel this good? The energy and vibe of Friday uplifts our moods and lets us feel like ourselves. For some reason the same burdens, challenges and difficulties we carried on Thursday just seem lighter when it’s Friday and yet they are the same. Is it because we know there is a reprieve on Saturday and Sunday? That brief window in time when we can just be ourselves and use time as we desire?

It’s really too bad we wait until the week is over to feel like that. Ourselves I mean. There are a lot of hours that pass between Monday and Thursday doing the job, going through the motions and mindlessly grinding it out. Yet, it all changes in us when it becomes Friday. We awake with a new energy that feels free and like we can finally shed these heavy burdens. Maybe it’s just a week day thing?

I love when really cool things happen on a random week day that gives us that free Friday type feeling. What happens to me is I see my normal quiet routine kind of day is shifted to this exciting, high energy rocking it out day. It is a feeling I love because it makes me feel good inside and out. My entire being beams with this radiance that’s contagious and I want to keep this feeling as long as possible. There’s even a smile on my face! That’s what I wish every week day would feel like. Not that I’m seeking the thrill and excitement of big things happening all the time but just something cool, attention grabbing and inspiring that takes the drag out of the day and makes me feel alive.

It feels good to be excited, happy, highly focused and really into what I’m doing. It makes time fly by and the output is this incredible display of creativity, innovation and invention. Imagine if more of us worked like that every day what would be possible in this world! How much better would our health be if we were fully engaged and active in the process of doing work that inspires rather than chains. I like to think it’s the stuff that makes a regular work day feel like a Friday without much effort at all. But not many of us have that in our life. We watch the clock tick to 5 to end our work day and wish it was Friday.

The sad truth is most of us let weeks and months go by without that good vibe feeling even on a Friday! We live for Friday and miss out on the adventure that could come of the rest of the week. It all just seems like too much trouble to bother with more and we’re tired. Let’s all just get to the weekend and relax some shall we? Life is not supposed to be this mind numb, low energy, just get through it situation but that is where we spend an inordinate amount of our time. Before we know it we don’t remember driving home on our regular route, food tastes bland and we’re just floating through life with no zest wondering why our waist lines are getting bigger and our energy is low. Maybe we just need an anti-depressant?

I admit there are days that I feel mind-numb and know that I’m missing out on a regular Tuesday being extraordinary. Who knows it could be the best day of my life and I’m letting it feel like a blah blur. I’m tired, not interested in work or the meeting I’m sitting in, there’s nothing lighting my fire. It’s not as though I have other things I want to do either. This is where we find ourselves scrolling in social media, watching hours of Netflix and eating who knows what. We are self-soothing in the way that seems easiest because we can’t get out of, away from, get rid of or change something that’s too big in our lives to deal with or face. Feeling like we can’t change our circumstances so we gave up trying is where we find ourselves. Sometimes though I question if we even realize we are doing these things. Do we even know that are limiting our very life because of choices we thought were right and were going to take us somewhere but in reality are stifling the very air we breathe?

Much of this does come down to our own choices but it is also comes from our own willingness to desire changes. Changing our life is hard work at times. We are tired even thinking about it too and yet the alternative is seeing weeks go by wondering where another year went in our life. We exchange our time for things that are not doing much in the way of fulfilling our dreams, inspiring us to be great at something or even feeling good about ourselves. When a job does that to our very confidence and zest for life I promise you it is not worth it. This is bigger than just being in the occasional rut too. It is when we have let months and even years pass without realizing we’re letting our very life slip by without doing much living in today.

Those Friday vibrations are just the tip of what it actually feels like to feel good every day. It’s not just a few hours but the gradual ongoing sensation of energy that makes you smile, want to dance, sing, draw, write, talk, interact, build, design, create and share. It is contagious too. You know what it feels like to be around someone who appears to be walking on sunshine with their energy. We feel happy just being around them! Capturing those feelings and letting them be more in our every day living is what we all need to pursue more often. It might be some work but the alternative is the loss of time itself that we will never get back.

Our outlook is the first place changes need to occur for anything else to be possible. When we dread something it is felt throughout out body and that energy deflates us. Even if it is something we truly dread that doesn’t mean we can’t push back on it and instead look for those spots of hope in the circumstance. Perhaps that really does mean taking more control of our life and finding a job we love, going into business for ourselves, having a hobby or finding some other creative outlet. Maybe it even means being honest about what really makes us tick and finding a way to have more of that in our day.

When we shift our outlook we also see the impacts of what we were doing in our health. We see the food we were eating and can more intently make changes. We can feel our body craving movement and our minds lose the fog so we can see things more clearly. It is back to the basics of being true to ourselves and pushing through the clutter to get to those things. The process of reclaiming not only who we are but also of how we use our time to make improvements so we can be ourselves more often is powerful. There is no other motivation like it but it fuels those Friday feelings to expand into every single day eventually.

If you’re ready to shrug off the struggle and get back to you, start with the free Lifestyle & Wellness Questionnaire:

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