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Writer's pictureamyk73

Moon Water Uses and Properties

Moon water is an ancient energy medicine. It is much older than even Victoria Beckham's 2019 Instagram post where she was drinking a well known brand version of it at a high-end spa. Her post though revitalized popularity around this ancient practice that has since created a near frenzy of people interested in learning more for their own uses. You can of course buy it if you want but I find it much more meaningful (and less expensive) to make my own.

Moon Water is energy charged water that is used internally, topically, or aromatically. Water is a programmable substance, making it the perfect medium to transfer benefits for use in energy medicines, such as flower essences, herbal infusions and Moon Water. In this case, pure water is used to collect the energy from the Moon that is then used to support our health and well-being.

The generation of Moon energy into Moon Water relies on the theory everything is energy, including us. There are wave lengths of energy always flowing around, in, and through us as humans. The Moon's energy is just another type of wave length that we are literally bottling for use in our lives. In energy medicine, understanding these wave lengths and their interaction with the human body allows us to look at a deeper meaning for how we heal and retain our health.

The Moon in Traditional Chinese Medicine that I practice, and many other natural and holistic learnings, is aligned with the feminine powers, human and animal behavior and feelings. Therefore, Moon Water works a great deal on the emotional, spiritual and mental pillars of our health. Unifying these pillars helps us overall improve on physical aspects of our health and create balance across the pillars. Too often, especially in Western medicine thinking, these pillars are separate from the physical body creating a disconnection in our overall health state. Most medicines around the world see the human body as one entity inclusive of emotional, mental, and spiritual pillars. When all of these pillars are in balance with the physical we are at the optimal point where health can thrive.

Combining the ideas of energy wave lengths, Moon energy, unity in the human health pillars and philosophy of balance, we then begin to see there is something to this Moon Water practice that is worth considering in our own daily lives.

History of Moon Water

Moon Water's history is not well documented but we see early traces of it in the 1800s where it was believed to be part of witchcraft practices for creating love spells. This is documented in the book Fontaine's Golden Wheel Dream-Book and Fortune-Teller that was published during this time. Moon Water however has a longer history linked to cultural and religious traditions since before recorded history.

More broadly, in most ancient calendar systems, the calendar was based on moon cycles rather than solar ones. This became the source of many rituals, ceremonies and work with the Moon's timing in every day lives. Ancient religions understood the female menstrual cycle was tied to the moon's cycle. This is believed where the relationship to the Moon and Greek goddess Selene and Roman goddess Luna came from. Mesopotamians believed in a Moon god named Sin and Germanic tribes had a similar god named Mani.

From the Ayurveda medicine we know that purification of liquids including milk, ghee, and water has been practiced from the beginning. Ayurveda is considered the oldest medicine systems along side Traditional Chinese Medicine. In these systems, it is documented for example that the best time to make ghee is during a full moon. This is believed to be the original source for Moon Water making for health and well-being.

How to Make Moon Water

Select the Best Moon Phase

For beginners, I recommend making moon water during a Waxing or Full Moon. You can make moon water under other moon cycle positions as well but I recommend the Full/Waxing Moon at the initial start of this practice. It is often easier for beginners to notice differences with this form of the moon and begin to understand the uses and benefits of Moon Water. The process is quite simple but timing is everything as it will influence the results.

Moon Phase

Moon Water Results - Best Uses

Full Moon

Abundance, Creativity, Manifestation, Cleansing

Waxing Moon

Cleansing, Dreams, Goal Setting, Planning, Budgeting

Waning Moon

Releasing negative energy, shedding emotional bonds, cord cutting , deep cleaning, shadow work, forgiveness

New Moon

Promotes rest, Simplicity, Gratitude, Spaciousness of mind and environment, Renewal, Grounding

Blue Moon

Setting goals, Taking action, Celebrating

Moon Water Instructions:

Use a clear jar or other clear glass container with lid that seals and doesn't leak.

Traditionalists following ancient practices will often use a silver cup or jar. Silver enhances the conduction and collection of moon water energy. You can replicate this effect with use of a silver charm or element within the glass jar.

Wash the container with distilled water and soap and then rinse it with distilled water. Let it dry thoroughly.

The night of the moon fill the container with distilled water and put the lid on it.

Place the jar outside where it will be exposed to the moon. If this is not possible, use a window sill indoors. You want to put your jar upside down in the location you are setting it up if at all possible. If using a silver jar with no lid you want to leave it open at the top (right side up). Leave overnight.

Early dawn is the time to collect your moon water. Before you touch it, give thanks to the moon. I like to personally say, "May this water be blessed and empower my intentions."

Some ritual practices will tell you to collect the Moon Water before sunrise. I personally prefer at first dawn to collect so it has the added benefit of first light.

Moon Water Add-Ins

Many people will add things to the water before setting it out for the night. This can include herbs, flowers, essential oils, crystals, silver or gold pieces and charms, and ritual elements. My advice here is to ensure you are using natural raw elements only. Anything manmade, chemical or preservative based will distort the results of the Moon Water.

Personally, I don't add anything extra to my water but rather will add something to the Moon Water after I collect it. This way I can separate out the Moon Water for different uses and still have some pure Moon Water for drinking.

Moon Water Uses

This is where Moon Water becomes one of the best versatile tools we can have for energy health support in our body, homes, and lives. There are multiple ways to use Moon Water that are easy and supportive to us.

A word of caution. I recommend to clients that all Moon Water you make be used within 30 days of when it was made. This ensures the best results and prevents any problems with long term storage complications.

Health Uses of Moon Water

  • Emotional Healing and Well-Being - Moon Water is traditional used for emotional well-being. It was given during times of deep grief, trauma and before major activities like war. It is believed to help us balance emotions with the mind and body to create unity by re-balancing our positive and negative feelings.

  • Chakra Balancing - Using Moon Water with crystals during a chakra balancing session enhances the healing strength of the crystals.

  • Sound Bath - Using Moon Water in a singing bowl increases the vibrational healing frequency of the Sound Bath.

  • Fertility Tea - Since the moon is linked to feminine powers and fertility, one use of Moon Water is as a tea to promote a woman's own fertility in pregnancy, creativity, and manifestation. This is made with Raspberry leaves.

  • Herbal Infusions - These herbs are aligned with the moon for their spirituality so combining them with Moon Water enhances healing: Blue Lotus, Anise, Clary Sage, Milk Thistle, Ginger, Hibiscus, Poppy, Rose, Also, Almond, Bamboo, Coconut.

Personal Uses of Moon Water

  • Drinking - A very common and popular use of Moon Water is simply to drink it. You are absorbing the energy. It works similarly to homeopathic medicine in that it works in alignment with the body to bring balance. The best way to drink it is straight with no ice or other add in flavors.

  • Face and Body Washing - In Native American healing practices, Moon Water was used to cleanse the face and body. It is a ritual of rebirth and clarity for the coming season. This use can be very revitalizing to skin and allow absorption into the body for deeper support. Making a skin toner with Moon Water is very therapeutic for longer term use.

  • Foot Bath - Soaking the feet in Moon Water is rejuvenating. Here it is a great way to add flower essences, aromatherapy, and Epsom Salt to enhance the absorption and cleansing powers of the soak. Avoid harsh and chemical based soaps, salts, and essentials oils.

  • Hair Rinse - Rinsing your hair with Moon Water is a spiritual cleansing for your soul and clears the pathway for deeper spiritual connections. This is aligned to the Traditional Chinese Medicine practice for washing away stress and resetting the pathways of the body to flow evenly.

Environmental Uses of Moon Water

  • Entryway Cleansing - I personally put Moon Water in a spray bottle with Lemon Essential Oil and spray it around my doorways and all windows. This energetically cleanses the energy that enters and is within the space.

  • Workspace Cleanse - Likewise spraying Moon Water around your workspace cleanses the energy and opens up creativity, improved vibrations, and confidence.

  • Surface Cleanse - Spraying or using a sponge of Moon Water on counters and surfaces in your home invites new energy.

  • Letter Writing - Using Moon Water to seal envelopes or mixing with ink enhances the writing and promotes exploration of intentions

Pet and Plant Uses of Moon Water

  • Plant Watering - Using Moon Water to water your plants revitalizes their energy naturally.

  • Pets - Use Moon Water to apply to your pet's fur to promote their vitality and well-being.

Energetic Uses of Moon Water

  • Meditation - Diffusing Moon Water with certain essential oils such as Shrinrin-Yoku from doTERRA enhances the experience and clarity of the practice.

  • Crystal Cleaning - Recharge and cleanse your crystals with Moon Water. Setting the crystal next to the Moon Water or setting them in a bowl of it, helps cleanse and recharge the crystal. Note: There are several crystals that should not be placed in water. For help please reach out to a professional for guidance.

  • Intention Setting - Many people will set an intention at the point of setting their water out for Moon Water collection. I actually find it more beneficial to set intention with Moon Water after it is made and during work I'm about to begin, such as goal setting, journaling, shadow work.

  • Dream Enhancement - Moon Water sipped before bed or spritz on the pillow helps encourage prophetic dreams and clarity in dream messages.

Astrological Uses of Moon Water

Based on your astrology sign Full Moon made Moon Water can enhance certain characteristics.


Known For

Moon Water Benefits


Assertiveness, Passion, Courage

Motivation, Igniting new beginnings, Sense of confidence and bravery


Stability, Grounded, Sensual Pleasures

Sense of steadiness by prioritizing self-care, Enhancing abundance, Foster deeper connections with Earth


Curiousness, Communication, Adaptability

Clear expression, Mental agility, New ideas and thinking


Nurturing, Adaptive, Emotional connection

Nurturing self-care, Emotional health, Enhanced intuition and empathy


Confidence, Creativity, Vibrance

Self-expression, Self-Confidence, Playfulness


Organization, Attention to Detail

Practicality, Clarity


Balance, Harmony, Diplomacy

Relationship harmony, Appreciation, Inner balance


Intuitiveness, Transformative, Intensity

Deep introspective and awareness, Emotional healing and growth


Adventure, Philosophical, Optimistic

Freedom seeking, New perspectives, Spiritual exploration


Ambitious, Disciplined, Grounded

Practicality, Determination, Stability


Innovation, Independence, Humanitarian

Progressive Thinking, Social conscious, Community


Imagination, Intuitive, Spiritual

Creative inspiration, Spiritual connection

Does Moon Water Work?

Scientifically speaking, Moon Water like many Energy Medicines, is not proven. Yet, many people note experiences, transformations, changes, and benefits that baffle the science. I call it the placebo effect because in any study where a group of people are given a placebo there are always people noting benefits even though they received essentially nothing. We simply cannot put all of our healing and well-being in scientific terms as that's not how we were designed or our health is based.

My own experience and feeling about it is that of other Energy Medicine I provide to clients, often we have to unravel and detox from the toxicity of the modern world and return to our real nature before much of anything works in our health and well-being. We have to be open to the experience, let our body do the work, and let it align to nature as it was intended. From there we can experience incredible transformation, healing, connection, well-being and scientifically speaking, miracles that lack human understanding.

What science does understand is that our own energy changes during different moon phases. It is documented from a 2014 study that full moons are associated with lower sleep efficiency and the percentage of time spent asleep. Likewise, a study in 2012 found males have a gravitational pull of the moon that affect cardiovascular function making them more subjective to excitement and higher energy.

In my opinion, it is best to try something before discounting it as ineffective. As with all energy and natural medicine, it is dependent on the person, what is used, how it is used, and if it is matched to your individual needs. Unlike Western medicine, there is not a one-sized-fits-most approach taken and we absolutely must define unique protocols for each person. Additionally, I believe we are all on our own personal health journey and things like Moon Water are a tool we can use when and where we need to enhance that experience of healing and health building.

"My own experience with Moon Water is similar to other energy medicine services I provide. Often we must detox and balance our own being before much of anything will prove effective in helping us improve our health and well-being." - Dr. Amy Kramer.

To work with me, virtually or in-person, sessions are available at


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