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NO MORE! – Winning the War Against Adult Acne

Writer's picture: amyk73amyk73

I have suffered from adult acne ALL of my adult life.

Since I was a teenager I have had these angry painful breakouts that were a constant presence on my face.  Mixed with a very heavy oily skin type I have battled the war on acne for years and well pass the time when I should have to.  It literally reminded me of the picture above each time I looked in the mirror at my skin.

I always thought as I got a little older this would go away at last.

At 45, I’m still dreaming of the day when my face will be completely clear, unblemished and smooth. I seriously do not understand how my face can produce these large, deep infections at this point in my life.

As an adult professional working woman it is embarrassing and no amount of make-up will hide the ugly bumps and redness of pimples. I have tried them all to be sure! In fact, often makeup will often just incite more to appear on my face the next day!

Now with hormonal changes this ongoing war has only persisted to attack my jawline with pimples and further add to my struggle to control oil and not walk into meetings looking like a blooming teenager with a broken out face.

I literally tried every product on the market, regardless of cost, in desperation to get this under control.  I underwent painful micro-derm abrasion treatments, laser treatments, too prescription medications for it and still it would not stop.  One of the prescriptions I tried required me to have a blood test once a month to make sure it wasn’t harming my liver. Here I was risking my liver’s health just to clear up my face!

When I first starting using essential oils it was yet another attempt to stop the breakouts and gain a foothold against this acne war.

My essential oil sponsor told me she too had battled this war and went through many of the same treatments and steps I had with no success. She was using doTERRA Melaleuca and Frankincense every day. Her skin was perfect. I would have never guessed she had the same problem I had looking at her face.  She didn’t even have make up on.

I will forever be in her debt for the two little samples she gave me to try.

Two weeks later, my skin was calmer and less red.

One month later, I had only had 2 pimples compared to the normal countless ones that would appear.

It sold me. I enrolled immediately and haven’t looked back.

I use these every single day. 1 drop each in my moisturizer.

In addition to the oils, I stepped it up a notch and started also using the doTERRA skin care products. I use the doTERRA HD Clear foam wash, topical treatment and lotion. The results, AMAZING!

My skin feels calm. As in I don’t feel new pimples and blemishes formulating under the skin all day long.

The oil is under control!

The breakouts are a lot less severe and coming on less and less each week I use these.


The results have been so good that this month I added the new doTERRA brightening gel to the mix to start to heal some of the acne scars and even out the tone of my face. Imagine after years of fighting acne to actually be able to say I can start working on my skin tone! I’m still in shock with being able to finally talk about healing my skin from the years of acne damage.

The best part?The beauty of doTERRA is if you don’t like their skin care products even if you use the whole tube or bottle, they will give you your money back within 30 days. No other product I tried offered that kind of guarantee, not even the products I was buying from my dermatologist, so you literally will not lose a dime if they don’t work for you. 

The other best part?

These products cost significantly less than the majority of prescriptions and over-the-counter products I was buying. In fact, the whole set of foam wash, topical oil and lotion together are less than 1 microderm abrasion session at the dermatologist’s office.

Another best part?

These products are 100% natural.

No chemicals, no synthetics, no harmful ingredients. Straight from plants and trees.

I’m no longer putting chemicals on my face, making the situation worse and causing further damage.

I can’t say enough good things about these skin care products and the essential oils I’m using when it comes to my face. Finally, I can say my skin is healing and actually looking like a grown woman’s face.  I can confidently walk into meetings not being conscious of my face covered under mounds of makeup to hide huge pimples and blemishes.


Interested in more?

Are you like me and have been struggling with acne well past when you feel you should? Have you tried everything out there with no results or results that only last a short time? Contact me.  There is nothing to lose other than your pimples and the painful breakouts.

If you have questions, contact me via this blog or email at

If you want to try these products, you do not have pay retail for them or sell essential oils (unless you want to). Let me show you how at

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