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The Furry Kind of Self-Love

Writer's picture: amyk73amyk73

Updated: Sep 4, 2019

Pets are wonderful creatures that just know, sometimes more than we do, what we need. They are so instinctual and tuned in to their surroundings and us that often they can sense even the smallest change or threat well before any human.

Have you ever heard of cancer dogs?

These are dogs that seem to have a gift for sensing when someone is sick, has a disease like cancer or is nearing their end time. The dog will sense this and stay close to that person’s side as much as possible, even refusing to eat or go out so they don’t leave that person during this time. What a wonderful love these dogs share with us during a confusing, difficult and painful time.


Some animals just know when we need love, companionship, support or just a buddy to hang out with us. We can share our secrets, wishes, dreams, tears and pain with them freely and openly without judgement. Sharing a relationship with a furry friend is a blessing and sometimes just the right guidance we need to focus on our own self-love.

Messages from Rosa

I am fortunate these days to work from home and our golden retriever, Rosa, rarely leaves my side. If I leave my office for the bathroom or kitchen she is right there. If I’m on conference calls all day she is by my side through it all – even when I don’t have food. When I need to go somewhere she looks hurt when she can’t come with me. I’m so grateful for her companionship and love.


One of the things she most reminds me of is the need to take a break, change my scenery or let some distraction in. She will nuzzle my arm to pet her head or tell me it’s time to go outside. If it weren’t for those small hints I would often work straight through with no break at all for myself. I get so into what I’m doing or feel this need to complete a task that I will forego what my body is telling me. I will endure discomfort in the interest of getting something outside of my needs done and I do it all the time.

That type of abuse to myself needs to stop but I admit it’s a habit I formed long ago in my quest to be a high performer in the corporate world. I have always felt this need to work extremely hard, be the best and show I can get it all done. It however being work that helps someone else and has left me abusing and ignoring my own needs and dreams.

I know I’m not the only person who does this type of stuff to herself and ends up wondering why weight won’t come off or we don’t feel our best. Everyone knows we need to take breaks, take a walk, eat well, not look at our screens continuously but we do it anyway!

This long abusive habit though is ultimately bad for us because it prevents us from listening to our bodies, practicing self-care and demonstrating self-love to ourselves. It’s the equivalent of saying we don’t count and adds to the many reasons why we end up depressed, feeling unworthy and not beautiful.

Stop Ignoring Yourself

The whole point of this month’s blog theme was a message to myself and hopefully many of you that we need to stop ignoring ourselves. We deserve and owe it to ourselves to show we care about ourselves.

What that looks like is probably different for all of us but for me it is the tough realization that as hard as it is for me to admit this the hard work and long hours I put into my corporate job ends up with me just getting more work. The praise, raises and glory of that has not rewarded me with what I really need in my life. Instead, it’s left me with large lumpy thighs and sore fingers from typing all the time. It’s also left me with lost time with my family and friends that I will never get back. It has created these feelings of being overwhelmed and stress and tired.

It’s time to fill my own bucket of what I need and dream.

Listening to Rosa

My good companion and work buddy, Rosa, is right.


I need to get away from my desk more during the day and go outside with her. We need to walk around the block and see how far my work telephone signal will go away from my desk. Who says I can’t take a conference call outside?

Rosa knows when she needs to eat, go outside and when its time to play. I need to listen more to her wisdom when it comes to these things and follow her lead.


Whenever we introduce significant changes in our lives it creates a new form of stress that can challenge us in making that transition. Habits such as not practicing self-love every day are extremely tough to change but necessary for our long term health and well-being.

Here’s the protocol I’m using to support me in this transition.

When I Don’t Know What or How

Sometimes I don’t know what I need and I know this is the result of having not listened to myself for so long. When you’ve lost touch with your body’s messages it can take time to reform that relationship so you are aligned to hearing those messages more clearly.

I have been using Balance on my feet bottoms daily and purposely spending time listening to what my body is saying. I try to do this first thing in the morning before things get crazy so I hear what’s going on and can make a plan to act on it through the day. Am I craving a certain food? Do I feel sore or achy? Is my head hurting? Do I need to stretch? These messages tell me what I am going to need to include in my day so I can even in a small way give self-love to myself.

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When It’s Too Tough to get away

My work is demanding and it’s not always easy to step away and go for a walk in the day. I feel tied to my desk more hours than I would like but I know I need to do it.

I have been using doTERRA’s Motivate to help me have the courage to get up from my chair. With my shoes already on I’m out of excuses for not be prepared when the moment strikes I can take a break. This is a great oil for building up your courage to say no and acting on the action to move your body.


When I Feel Distracted

Often I do have to do a task before I can get away so instead of laboring over it for hours and feeling overwhelmed, I use InTune. This clever oil blend helps focus and clarity come through so you can “get it done” and feel that freedom to “get away.”


Interested in more?

What are you going to act on to include more self-love in your day? It can be hard to start including self-love into your daily routine but I promise doing so will reap incredible benefits to your physical and mental health.

If you have questions or need help with any of the oils mentioned in this post please reach out!

One of the easiest ways to start practicing self-love is to switch out chemical based products with natural ones. You can get at least 25% off the oils in this post and more with a wholesale membership. There is complete freedom to get what you need to support your health and home, when you need at a savings that is unmatched. Become a member today!

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