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Writer's pictureamyk73

The Magic Health in You

I love when I see a commercial or someone online trying to tell me this pill, shake or workout is the one magic pill I need to lose weight. Just add this scoop of stuff to your morning coffee and you’ll burn fat. Use this workout for just 20 minutes a day and watch it melt! If only, right? Yet the truth is we do want the easier path to making this weight go away. We want something that works that doesn’t leave us hungry or hangry and that is easy. Look seriously just want to lose some weight and go about my life without any disruption you get me?

Here’s the honest truth as straight up as I can make it, the magic isn’t in the shake, pill or whatever it is in you. It is in your very mind and cells right now. Those things being sold to you are tools not magic potions. Together they may work well to get you to that goal but first you have to open the magic that you have already. By this I mean you have to get real with yourself about what you’re needing and wanting and get clear on how you’re going to accomplish it while also having grace and forgiveness when you can’t meet those expectations. You have to commit to it, make it a priority and do more than just hope something else does it for you. Whew! That’s strong momma pep talk right? Trust me some days I need that myself too.

We all have it within us to accomplish any goal we set for ourselves. Any thing! The trick and magic to it all is setting the mindset to make it happen. I’m talking positive affirmations, clear heart alignment, the whole thing PLUS the simple mindset that we deserve it. Too often we feel like we cannot do something because we’re fat, poor, out of shape, not worthy and so much more that has taken away the power of our own magic. We have let that sink so much into our daily life that now we look at ourselves in even more frustration that our body doesn’t even look good to us!

I believe firmly in the empowerment as naturally as I can as best I can every day. Sometimes I don’t do that very well because I need to work late and miss a workout or I’m in a bad mood because work sucks that day. It happens. However one day, one week, one month is not a life sentence for being stuck where I am in this moment. It is when we choose to not give up on ourselves and just accept being a victim waiting to be saved by a pill, shake, better job, more loving spouse, honest friends or whatever that we realize we have so much control in our own destiny.

Health, including losing weight, is all possible within our own being. We can leverage tools to help but the power of that possibility already exists. Just let go of the bs being fed about why you can’t and shouldn’t. Stop letting the conditions of your circumstance define where you begin and end your day. Progress can be a baby step and still be progress. Get deeply excited about the journey step by step and let it become your motivation and determination on the days when life is trying to beat you down.

The other week at work, on a Monday, a member of my team said, “Oh you know its another day in the salt mine.” Yes it is but the difference I told him was I was going to see how far I could go this week with seeing the good in it. For one that particular Monday I had a break in meetings to have lunch, as in a healthy lunch I could eat somewhere other than my desk. Secondly, I was bringing my positive energy to make it a good day. Now the truth is I worked late that night because a meeting went long and it left me frustrated. I however chose to leave it at work and while I missed my workout that day I spent time hugging my family and enjoying dinner with them. I found the good. It filled me where it could have left me drained and craving mindless social media scrolling and Netflix binging. I chose different.

We sometimes cannot change our circumstances but we can change how we respond to it right? So why not surround ourselves with as much positive energy as we can and use it to change where we can change? I could have worked out that day but it was close to 7PM when I logged off work for the day and I chose to have a healthy meal with my family instead. I chose to refill my emotional bucket with things I needed to regroup from a frustrating end to work that day. Yes, I needed to move my body but I filled my other needs first. When we choose to do right for our needs we find the energy to do other good stuff for ourselves too. The next morning I got up early and did squats while waiting on my coffee to brew. I worked even harder the next day to bring positive to a frustrating situation and leave myself grace at the end of the day.

Start forgiving yourself for what you didn’t do! Sometimes life gets in the way but that doesn’t mean just to give up and let it be like that all the time. Build it, your health, a new career, a business of your own, whatever lights you up, one step at a time. Let setbacks be the reason you apply more positive energy to the situation until your light shines on the path that takes you to the progress point. Be willing to fail because it helps you learn and be curious about who you are and what you really want in life. I think way too often we settle for what we think is expected of us rather than what is possible for us. That includes losing weight and how we approach it.

This all means being true to ourselves which is a natural state of being. It is our own personalized custom made natural path to our goals and dreams. Maybe that just is losing weight for you right now but what is beyond that? Is it a new career, being a better parent, starting a dream business? See how your life can be more than where you are today and let it fuel your magic to create it a tiny bit each day. For me, that looks like pacing my office during meetings to get some steps in, doing squats while I get coffee, having a doTERRA Plant Protein smoothie filled with extra fiber and greens to make sure I’m getting good nutrition. It means forgiving myself when I have chips instead of a yogurt for a snack too because well sometimes Mondays need a positive outlook and Ruffles to make it through.

Be good to you. Love your life even on the bad days and from there the magic of health comes forward because you will want a never ending flow of that good feeling. Let it expand into all corners of your life and see where it takes you. Get off the sofa and untap it. This is where those goofy sayings of dancing in your kitchen or in the rain or letting it all come in to help you. It is where you take charge of you and feed your body and mind the things that help you propel forward out of the haze and into your own magic of living your natural life.

For information on the nutritional products I use, check them out here

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