Posted on January 1, 2020 by dragonspitapothecary
It’s true our guts are like a second heartbeat in our body. Our gut has instincts warning us of stressors, danger and harm. It also is like a central processing center taking in all we put in our bodies to break it down, sort it out and send it in all directions to our cells. Our gut is the first place we often find the answers to life’s big and small questions, our problems in life and where to look for health. What a powerful system right there in center of our body.
Our body is so intricately designed that it can sometimes be challenging to see the root cause of a problem. So many systems, functions and operations are impacted by a single thing. For example if we feel cold on our skin this immediately races off throughout our body giving us the sensation of being cold while our mind tells us to go get socks on our feet and we instantly start looking at other areas of our body that also may be cold. This same messaging and triggering of activity occurs every time our digestive system starts receiving food, instincts, or is responding to a threat like a germ or virus. Amazingly, our digestive system holds the power of over 70% of our health. This quite honestly makes it the system we should all be looking at first if we are wanting to improve our health. So if we’re constantly fighting sniffles it could be something in our diet that’s preventing us from building immunity against them. If we’re constantly stressed out you can trust your digestive system is responding – most likely with some IBS, upset stomach or cramping. If you want to know how healthy you actually are look at your gut. Yep, just look down and start listening.
Loving My Gut
It can be hard to love something that we’re not fond of. Most of us are not happy with our weight. We have muffin tops, donuts or some other label for our stomach area. We are constantly squeezing our rolls or pushing them into fitted waistbands and complaining about it. To be quite frank I have a love-hate relationship with my stomach region. I love to eat, I love a good meal and yet I fuss about my jeans not fitting or not being able to breathe once I get them buttoned. I get mad at myself and am constantly feeling bloated and am quite tired of not losing weight easily. Seriously it should actually be just as easy to take off as it was to put on!
My relationship with my gut isn’t perfect. We continually love-hate one another. It fusses at me with gurgles, rumbles, cramps and heartburn when I overdo it or try to force changes it’s not ready to receive. I fuss at it for not looking better, being smaller and making me think I’m always hungry. Yet I know we need one another and somehow we need to improve our connection, establish a better relationship and invest in being healthy together. I am not able to emotionally and physically lose weight, feel better or more healthy without including my gut’s needs.
Since January is a month for simplifying things and establishing new routines, I decided this month to apply that thinking to my health. Given the history I have with diets, weight loss programs, failed attempts at curbing cravings and suffering from it all I knew my gut would not easily accept the declaration that I was about to try it again. We would struggle and there may even be tears or even some constipation at times but I am determined to figure out how to get along with my stomach better. If I want to actually improve my health I know I need change this relationship and give some credence to my body knowing what it needs to accomplish and sustain health.
My approach for this year’s health improvements is to start with a cleanse. Nothing extreme because well that will just end in disaster for me and my gut in the form of way too much time in the bathroom. No, that doesn’t sound fun and I think would result in a lot more issues than I have now. Instead what I define as a cleanse is natural to help my body reset, clean out and simplify what is going on. Let’s start at base camp zero if you will and then figure out how to diet, exercise and change the bigger parts associated with getting healthy.
My Natural Cleanse Strategy
So first I am using all natural items and nothing that is chemical based. I want my gut to do the work of healing and not have medicine or chemicals driving this cleanse. I don’t want to spend the next 10 days in the bathroom miserable listening to my gut roar in protest. My goal in doing that is train my gut to process things and give it what it needs to do that function properly. Plain and simple.
See the issue is when we eat a lot of processed foods, things with manufactured ingredients, fake coloring, enhanced tastes and basically junk foods we are overwhelming our guts. We are not giving it what it needs to process foods, send them throughout our body for energy and do it’s job. Hence it gets fussy and starts storing all that as fat in rebellion. Yes it is rebellion because not only is it storing fat in retaliation but it is also sending warning flares up our body in the form of heartburn and out the other end in you know what – all forms of it too. As we keep doing that it continues these activities until we are now feeling constantly bloated and eating anti-acid medicine like it’s candy. We also start to not feel so good. We are slower, have a hard time focusing and don’t sleep that great. We are uncomfortable and miserable. We are more susceptible to colds, flu and any germ or virus we encounter. This is where I am now, my start point and I admit I enjoyed the holidays a lot to drive me to this start line.
Below is my protocol that I will be doing for the next 10 days. Today is day 1 because well there always has to be a day 1 and it is the “once upon a time” prelude to a good adventure after all. The protocol is simple, effective and convenient. It is also most importantly 100% natural. For me when I’ve done this I have noticed changes within a couple days and feel completely reset after 10 to 12 days. My focus is improved, there’s less fogginess in my brain, I have more energy and I just feel better. When I get to that point there’s something to work with my gut on and we can start to get along and figure out how to appreciate each other more.
Days 1 – 10 Take 1 doTERRA GX Assist softgel every morning. This little softgel contains some natural elements to help your body clean out and reset. It includes Oregano, Melalueca (tea tree), Lemon, Lemongrass, Peppermint and Thyme. All of those things are natural detoxifiers that help get rid of the overgrowth of candida albicans which is a negative pathogens that causes the majority of illnesses in our body. Just taking this alone for 10 days helps with autoimmune diseases, digestive issues, brain fog, illness and infection.
Take 3 doTERRA Terrazyme capsules per day with food. These capsules are game changers in your diet and digestive support. They help foods breakdown and be absorbed while flushing out the things that your body cannot process.
Take 1 doTERRA DigestZen daily. This is your go-to for upset stomach, diarrhea, IBS, vomiting, and other stomach related problems. These soft gels bring fast relief and help relieve indigestion.
Follow this protocol for 10 to 12 days. In addition, every time you drink water and you should strive to be increasing that amount daily, add 1-2 drops doTERRA Lemon essential oil to the water to help stay hydrated and further support cleansing.
Are you ready to invest in your gut health and start feeling better?
I invite you to join me. This month through January 31, I am gifting everyone a free doTERRA 15ml Lemon essential oil with purchase of the cleanse protocol described above. To join me on this health journey in 2020 and get your free Lemon gift click here: